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Melboss Music

Melboss Music is a smart music manager platform that provides insights for artists worldwide to reach their maximum potential by optimizing available streaming resources and social platforms. VIEW FULL...

Publica is a service that enables authors and content creators to have their own custom storefront to share, market and sell eBooks, audiobooks and any other types of digital content with no intermediaries. Publica is Shopify for Digital Content. VIEW FULL...


Vikua is a software that solves the inefficiency of city operations that cost over $200 billion a year due to data silos, lack of collaboration tools among agencies, and absence of real-time insights for decision-makers. VIEW FULL...

Sierra Medical

Sierra Medical (SM) is a patent-protected healthcare AI software company tackling cancer diagnostics. Standard diagnostic tests are expensive, subjective and time-consuming, the lack of innovation in this field is causing global delays to the fight against cancer....


RealSage is an enterprise SaaS platform that leverages data across the rental journey to generate actionable insights for asset owners and operators. VIEW FULL...